Meet the Collaborative’s Action Teams

Smaller groups of Collaborative Partners meet year-round in action teams to develop grassroots solutions to community challenges and engage Collaborative Partners in targeted initiatives.
See when the action teams meet on the Collaborative’s Events Calendar.
Civic and Policy Engagement Action Team
Goals of the Civic and Policy Engagement Action Team:
- Provide education and training of Collaborative partners on how to best approach civic and policy engagement.
- Serve as a resource to elected officials and other government officials, and to inform them of the needs of the communities within the Jefferson service area, the value of the work of partners of the Collaborative, and the impact of policy on both.
- Inform community stakeholders of the needs within the Jefferson service area.
- Create an opportunity to elevate issues that impact the lives of the people served by the Collaborative.
- Remain nonpartisan in all initiatives of the Civic and Policy Engagement Action Team.
The Action Team will:
- Meet a minimum of three times per fiscal year.
- Plan educational trainings and capacity building sessions for Collaborative Partners.
- Determine agenda topics for Action Team meetings.
See the Civic and Policy Engagement Action Team’s work in action: learn more about the Jefferson Votes initiative.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Racial Justice Action Team
Goals of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Racial Justice (DEIRJ) Action Team:
- Strengthen community engagement, equity, and inclusion while advancing racial justice with Collaborative partners.
- Embrace the concept of transformative learning: elevate multiple community voices and promote transparency, patience, and trust.
- Be nimble and responsive to Collaborative partner needs as they arise.
The Action Team will:
- Advocate for professional development and technical assistance opportunities.
- Participate in activities that elevate community voices for the purpose of improving service delivery and ensuring equity in decision making.
- Share resources with Collaborative partners.
See the DEIRJ Action Team’s work in action: learn more about the DEI Resource Bank.