

The Jefferson Collaborative provides opportunities for partner organizations to network, connect, collaborate and learn. The Collaborative convenes throughout the year; hosts smaller action teams to develop grassroots solutions to community challenges; offers capacity building and skill development opportunities for partner organizations; and hosts civic engagement initiatives that engage the broader community.

Networking & engagement opportunities

Partner Meetings

Our partner meetings focus on advancing high-priority issues, offering capacity building opportunities, sharing resources, examining data, and providing networking opportunities to our partners. All community leaders and nonprofit changemakers are welcome at our meetings. All meetings and Collaborative activities are announced in advance through our Collaborative calendar.

Upcoming Meetings

We are looking forward to connecting with you in 2024. Please find our upcoming Collaborative meeting schedule and stay connected to our Collaborative calendar for additional details. 

May 30, 2024 (8:30-11:00am) – Sunset Room at the Vista, 95 Enterprise St, Elizabeth, PA 15037

Past Meetings

September 27, 2023 – Jefferson Community Collaborative Celebration: Then, Ten and Time Ahead. Learn more about the convening here

November 30, 2023 – Listening to Partners and Community. Learn more about the convening here

February 22, 2024 – Nonprofits and Advocacy. Learn more about the convening here

Meet Our Action Teams

Smaller groups of Collaborative Partners meet year-round in action teams to develop grassroots solutions to community challenges and engage Collaborative Partners in targeted initiatives.

Civic and Policy Engagement

The Civic and Policy Engagement Action Team acknowledges that civic engagement and policy advocacy are important actions and skill sets for not-for-profit organizations because advocacy promotes positive change that impacts the lives of the people we serve. The Civic and Policy Engagement Action Team aspires to inform partners of the Jefferson Community Collaborative on how to be their best advocates and to create opportunities to educate elected officials and other government officials about the value of the work of community-serving not-for-profit organizations. The Civic and Policy Engagement Action Team is committed to creating space for sharing resources and elevating important topics pertinent to residents in the Jefferson service area in a nonpartisan manner.

Goals of Civic and Policy Engagement Action Team:

  • To provide education and training of Collaborative partners on how to best approach civic and policy engagement.
  • To inform elected officials and other government officials of the needs of the communities within the Jefferson service area and the value of the work of partners of the Collaborative.
  • To inform community stakeholders of the needs within the Jefferson service area.
  • To create an opportunity to elevate issues that impact the lives of the people served by the Collaborative.
  • To remain nonpartisan in all initiatives of the Civic and Policy Engagement Action Team.

The Civic Engagement and Policy Action Team will:

  • Meet a minimum of three times per fiscal year.
  • Plan educational trainings and resources for capacity building of Collaborative partner organizations.
  • Determine agenda topics for Action Team meetings.

Pillars of the work include:

  1. Education: Provide capacity building opportunities for Collaborative partner organizations to advocate for their organizations.
  2. Engaging Legislators and other government officials:
  3. Be a turn-to resource for Legislators and other government officials.
  4. Inform legislators on the impacts of policy on Collaborative partner organizations.

To learn more, reach out to Community Engagement Manager, Danny Vereb at daniel.vereb@jeffersonrf.org

Diversity, Equity and Racial Justice

Mission Statement

The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Racial Justice (DEIRJ) Action Team of the Jefferson Community Collaborative will work to strengthen community engagement, equity, and inclusion while advancing racial justice with Collaborative partners.

Action Statement

The DEIRJ Action Team embraces the concept of transformative learning. Through focused and intentional community engagement, its members will embrace multiple community voices and promote transparency, patience, and trust. The DEIRJ Action Team will:

  • Be nimble and responsive to Collaborative partner needs as they arise.
  • Advocate for professional development and technical assistance opportunities.
  • Participate in activities that elevate community voice for the purpose of improving service delivery and ensuring equity in decision making.
  • Share resources with Collaborative partners.

To learn more, reach out to Community Engagement Manager, Danny Vereb at daniel.vereb@jeffersonrf.org





Ready to Join the Conversation?

View and register for upcoming partner meetings, action team meetings, and more on our events page. If you have a question about attending an event, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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