

The Collaborative’s commitment to network, connect, collaborate and learn provides significant opportunities for organizations to embrace partnerships in small and larger ways.  Leveraging the joint influence of members, the Collaborative has engaged in training, activities and larger initiatives to implement its vision of collective action to advance community aspirations.  Many of these initiatives have included both funding support and a strong partnership with the both the Jefferson Regional Foundation as well as other key stakeholders, including the Census Bureau and Allegheny County Counts Committee, Allegheny Healthchoices on Mental Health First Aid, local nonprofits, Chambers, schools, libraries and other leaders to host Table conversations.   

The Collaborative members served as an inspiration since the beginning of the pandemic, as community-based organizations leveraged their Collaborative partnerships  and emergency mini-grants through the Foundation to pivot their staff and programs to provide essential services to Jefferson area residents.  See the descriptions of Initiatives below and visit the Impact section for more details.  

Jefferson Counts 2020 Census Campaign

Jefferson Counts was a campaign led by Jefferson Regional Foundation, the Jefferson Collaborative, and 70+ Jefferson area organizational partners to ensure a fair and accurate 2020 Census Count in our local South Hills and lower Mon Valley communities in Pittsburgh, PA.

The campaign aimed to ensure:

  • A fair and accurate count was conducted in Jefferson area, reaching deeply into traditionally undercounted populations
  • The Jefferson community was confident, comfortable, and informed about the Census process & what’s at stake
  • A rise in interest and enthusiasm in civic engagement that impacts the Jefferson area

Leaders from across the Jefferson Area formed a Jefferson Counts Leadership Team to develop a local outreach plan to encourage fair and accurate 2020 Census participation in Pittsburgh’s South Hills & lower Mon Valley communities. The Jefferson Regional Foundation and Collaborative received recognition from the Director of the Census Bureau for this campaign and it was used as a model for engagement. Read more about the success of the Jefferson Counts Campaign here on our blog.

Around the Table South






Spearheaded by the Jefferson Regional Foundation and Jefferson Collaborative, Around the Table South is a week-long initiative that was first held in the Pittsburgh region from October 15-19, 2018. The initiative invites residents of Jefferson Region communities in the South Hills and Mon Valley to gather over mealtime conversations to build connections and explore how we can work together to make our communities stronger. During its inaugural year in 2018, Around the Table South engaged 1,000 people around more than 100 tables to share mealtime conversations about how to make Jefferson region communities healthier, safer, and more dynamic. Around the Table South Conversations were planned for March 2020, but were halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about Around the Table South here.

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a free public education program in which participants attend an eight-hour course with certified trainers to increase their knowledge around common mental health challenges, becoming equipped to offer assistance and reduce stigma. Thirteen certified trainers from the Jefferson area have educated nearly 1,000 community members on MHFA. If you are interested in joining our core group of local trainers, hosting a training at your organization, or attending a training session, please let us know! These trainings are certified and supported through a grant with Allegheny Health Choices, Inc. Participation in these efforts is open to all Jefferson Collaborative Representatives.





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