Jefferson Votes is a nonpartisan initiative of the Jefferson Regional Foundation and the 100+ member strong, Jefferson Community Collaborative. This voter engagement initiative is designed and led by the Collaborative’s very own Civic and Policy Engagement Action Team and Voter Engagement Task Force.
Jefferson Votes will offer a website of resources, training workshops, and a robust toolkit to set organizations up for success to engage voters in their community. Interested in learning more about how your organization can support voting in your community? Save the Dates for our upcoming virtual Voter Engagement Workshops:

  • Lunch and Learn: Jefferson Votes Kickoff and Nonprofit Voting – Thursday, August 4 (12:00-1:00pm)
  • Lunch and Learn: How to Market Voting to Your Constituents – Thursday, August 25 (12:00-1:00pm)
  • Collaborative Meeting: Voter Engagement and Accessibility – Thursday, September 22 (10:00-12:00pm)
  • Lunch and Learn: Disinformation in Voting – Thursday, October 20 (12:00-1:00pm)

Still have question about the importance nonprofit organizations play in voting? Watch Leah O’Reilly, Director of Programs at the Human Services Center Corporation (HSCC), share how voting rights are crucial to democracy and the importance of nonprofits doing this work as trusted community organizations. Consider one or more simple actions to become a Voter Engagement Champion and join our growing number of Collaborative organizations participating in the Jefferson Votes initiative.