Sign Up Now – Nonprofit Law 101 on December 9

Nov 4, 2021

Join us this Fall for a series of two workshops led by nonprofit experts. The first, led by Vision Council member, HSCC Executive Director and advocacy expert Dave Coplan will focus on when and how to engage in policy influence. Our second workshop on Nonprofit Law 101 led by Jeff Fromknecht, MSW and attorney who leads Lawyers4Nonprofits & Side Project will serve as an overview of the top five legal issues faced by tax-exempt nonprofits. Read more about the series below and sign up today to get answers to your questions regarding policy influence and nonprofit legalities. Click on titles to register.

Nonprofit Law 101 – An overview of the Top 5 Legal Issues faced by Tax-Exempt Nonprofits

Thursday, December 9: 9:00-10:30am

An overview of the Top 5 Legal Issues faced by Tax-Exempt Nonprofits workshop is designed for nonprofit executives and Board members and will cover the basics of nonprofit corporate, tax and fundraising legal issues, and provide an introduction to several hot topics currently impacting the sector, including mergers & collaborations. Led by a uniquely qualified nonprofit attorney who is also a social worker—Jeff Fromknecht, this workshop will include a discussion of the following topics:

Annual registration & filing requirements
Corporate Governance Issues
Fiduciary Duties of the Board of Directors
Mergers & Collaborations
Unrelated Business Income
Employment Law issues

Policy Matters: Leveraging the Influence of Your Organization on Regulations and Rules

Monday, November 15: 10:30-12:00pm

Advocacy isn’t just building relationships with legislators, nonprofits can have important influence by offering comments about the impacts of proposed regulations, rules or policies which affect our communities and our ability to provide effective services. Taking time to offer our insights can yield important dividends. Hear from one of our region’s premier nonprofit advocates, Dave Coplan, who will share examples of when and how to engage in policy influence and stories about the successful impacts! You will also hear what the Jefferson Collaborative’s Civic Engagement team members have been meeting over the past year to advance the advocacy and policy work of the Collaborative.   


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