Over 110 individuals from 80 organizations gathered at Penn State Greater Allegheny for the Jefferson Collaborative Meeting: Then, Ten & Time Ahead – Listening to Partners and Community. With Jefferson Regional Foundation’s 10th anniversary in full swing, we continued to celebrate with Collaborative partners on our past (Then), our present (Ten), and our future (Time Ahead). The “Then, Ten, & Time Ahead” anniversary provides an opportunity for a renewed focus on engaging community members while continuing to bring together not for profit community-serving organizations to positively impact and support the health and well-being of the communities within the Jefferson service area.
The Collaborative meeting focused on the work that the Foundation and Collaborative partners have engaged in to elevate constituent perspectives via the Community Voice Fund, and the rollout of the data analysis project, “Our Changing Communities.” Collaborative partners also shared their process for updating the scope and mission of the Jefferson Community Collaborative and the Action Teams.
In response to a pressing theme raised by community partners, attendees engaged in table conversations regarding the nonprofit staffing shortage. Attendees identified the primary area of focus for their organization and worked with colleagues within the same service function to build connections, share assets and identify possible solutions for improving the hiring process, employee onboarding, and retention. The culmination is a summary document of responses, Seeking Solutions and Sharing Resources to the Nonprofit Staffing Shortage for our partners to utilize as they consider staffing for their organizations.
Slides from the presentation can be found here. Please also save Wednesday, September 27 at the Crowne Plaza Suites Pittsburgh South (Bethel Park) from 10:00-1:00pm for our upcoming special celebration and luncheon highlighting the work of the Jefferson Community Collaborative and the contributions of our community partners.