Directory FAQs

Are directory listings printer friendly?

Yes. At the bottom of each listing is a print button for your convenience.

Is the directory mobile friendly?

Yes. This webpage works well on all browsers and devices.

What does 'serving' mean?

We define serving as nonprofit organizations providing programs and goods for the community. For instance, a nonprofit exists in one single community but may have impact on several communities through their programming opportunities.

Can I search by location?

The top of this page has a filtering option where you can filter by communities. You can also search by location name in the search bar.

What does 'Jefferson Footprint' mean?

The ‘Jefferson footprint’ or ‘Jefferson service area’ refers to 26 municipalities served by AHN Jefferson Hospital, located in the South Hills and lower Mon Valley of Allegheny County. You can view a map of this region here.

Is this directory ADA compliant?

This platform has gone through a thorough and complete testing and disability standards.

Do people need to log in so that they can monitor their listing?

There will either be an existing listing that a staff member of the nonprofit can claim through creating a sign in or you may create an original listing. Both listings are subject to review by the Foundation.

In order to protect your organization’s profile and management, one person must be designated to manage your organization’s listing. This individual will be responsible for maintaining the listing and the sign in credentials; however, the Jefferson Regional Foundation also retains access.

What does 'Claim a Listing" mean?

You may choose to claim an existing listing from our directory. This means you are claiming ownership of the listing on behalf of your organization.

In order to protect your organization’s profile and management, one person must be designated to manage your organization’s listing.

This individual will be responsible for maintaining the listing and the sign in credentials; however, the Jefferson Regional Foundation also retains access.

For questions, please contact Danny Vereb.

What if I forget my sign-in credentials to my nonprofit listing?

When you sign in, there will be a “forgot password” option for your use. Jefferson Regional Foundation also retains access to the sign in credentials for you and can retrieve your password and username if you are unable to access your account.

For questions, please contact Danny Vereb.

How can I make small quick updates when I do not have time to sign in and do it?

There is an Listing Change Request form for your convenience, that will take 2 minutes to fill out with the basic updates needed, and who is requesting them. The Jefferson Regional Foundation will complete these shortly after they are received.