Community Directory:
ACCESS – OPT: Service for seniors over 60 to medical appointments, senior centers and grocery shopping (small co-pay). – Helen McKnight, 412-562-5385, ACCESS 65 Plus: Shared ride program for those over 65. – Josephine Moore, 412-562-5353, ACCESS ADA: Service for people with disabilities who are functionally unable to use Port Authority bus service. Customer pays fare. – Belinda Herman, 412-562-5353, ACCESS Connections: Service for people with disabilities who are able to use the bus, but have no bus service available. Customer pays fare. – Judy McCormick, 412-562-5353, ACCESS MATP: Service for people with medical assistance insurance traveling to a covered medical appointment. Customer pays no fare once eligibility is met. – Charise Bonner, 412-562-5353, ACCESS Agency Sponsors: Agencies, churches, health care facilities, nursing and personal care residences can sponsor ACCESS for their participants. Discount may be available for seniors. – Denise Strawoet, 412-562-5353, Port Authority: Fixed route transit – seniors ride free and people with disabilities pay half fare all day. – Judy McCormick, 412-562-5353, jmccormick@accesstransys.comOrganization Information
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