Community Directory:
Jefferson Area Program Address: 6401 Penn Ave, 2nd Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15206. Family Services: In Service of Seniors: Pittsburgh: Senior Services – Volunteer-based services free to seniors age 60+. Services include information and assistance, transportation, grocery shopping, friendly visiting and phone calls, help reading and sorting mail, home safety checks, grab bar and handrail installation, and snow shoveling/light yard work (also available to adults under age 60 with a physical disability). Services are not guaranteed due to limited volunteer availability. – Roberta Lisi and Kathleen McDermott, 412-345-7420, Family Services: APPRISE: Healthcare – APPRISE is Pennsylvania’s State Health Insurance Assistance program and offers free, unbiased health-insurance counseling for Medicare beneficiaries. Counselors provide assistance with understanding Medicare benefits, comparing coverage options, navigating the appeals process, and applying for additional benefits to reduce costs of premiums and prescription drugs. – Bill McKendree, 412-661-1438, Family Services: In Service of Seniors: Pittsburgh: Translation services are available for information and assistance. Family Services: APPRISE: Yes, translation services are available.Organization Information
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Health and Wellness
Senior Services
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