Junior Achievement: Job Shadow Days, JA College/Trades Days/JA Titan: Provides in-school programs focusing on job shadows, college and post-secondary visits, and critical economic and management decisions. – Rachel Mauer, 412-208-4747 Ext. 117, rmauer@jawesternpa.org. Junior Achievement: JA K-12 In-School and After-School Programming/JA Classroom Volunteer Opportunities: Provides in-school and after-school programs where students learn skills in financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and work readiness to provide them with knowledge to be economically successful. – Corinne Volosky/Amanda Laichak, 412-208-4747 Ext. 111 (Corinne) cvolosky@jawesternpa.org, Ext. 133, (Amanda) alaichak@jawesternpa.org.
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