Mon Valley Initiative (MVI) works to improve the lives of people in the Mon Valley area by helping to rebuild community infrastructure and connecting employers to people seeking new jobs and careers. We do this by delivering quality services to the people of the Mon Valley, including housing counseling, real estate and community development and workforce development and financial coaching. MVI Workforce Development & Financial Coaching: Assists unemployed and underemployed Mon Valley residents, including individuals whose criminal record is an obstacle, to become prepared for and able to access employment opportunities that exist in the region. – Charles Howell, 412-464-4000, MVI Housing Counseling: Services are provided in both individual and group settings, helping participants overcome potential obstacles, understand their finances, and obtain mortgage loans. – Jonathan Weaver, 412-464-4000 x4008, MVI Housing & Real Estate Development: Offers direct development services, special financing, and technical assistance for a variety of housing development options (for-sale, rental) and Main Street commercial uses. – Andrew Ritchie, 412-464-4000 x4013,
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